Team VERA on YouTube

We communicate science to connect research, conservation, and education.

Our Educational Effort

We create a video series dedicated to research and conservation. Our goal is to make our own scientific work accessible to everyone while also highlighting the projects of our partners. Whether it’s field reports, ongoing studies, or behind-the-scenes insights into conservation efforts – we aim to share the fascinating world of science in an engaging and understandable way.

We’re always on the lookout for exciting new projects to feature! If you’re working on a research or conservation initiative and would like to share your work, feel free to reach out – we’d love to hear from you.

Video Highlights

Here, we showcase a selection of our videos. You can find all of them on our YouTube channel.

Turtles Facing Climate Change

Together with veterinarian Mariana Saubidet from Oceanographic in Valencia, we explore the remarkable way seaturtles are responding to rising temperatures.

YouTube Video

Detecting Stress in Polar Bears

In this video, we explain how we automatically detect stress in polar bears under human care and explore why males experience higher stress levels than females.

YouTube Video